“Committed to empowering those in need”
The mission and purpose of Phoenix Community Care is to offer care, education and training within an environment which empowers and supports. Providing best practice, quality and safe care which is person centred.
The core values which underpin the mission and the provision of services at Phoenix Community Care reflect themselves in the support given to individuals using our services.
Overall aim
Our aim is to provide care for and support to those people within our community that are deemed as being ‘in need’ or ‘vulnerable’. We aim to meet our service user’s needs through supported housing, foster care, education and training and through our enrichment activities. We aim to support, care and empower.
The following objectives are set out to enable PCC to fulfil our aims. Our objectives are;
- To provide supported housing – either low, medium or high support as necessary
- To provide foster homes with fully assessed and trained foster carers and a high quality of support through PCC key workers and social workers.
- To improve individual’s prospects by providing access to education and training including; ESOL, Literacy, Numeracy, Employability Skills and ICT.
- To organise events aimed at enriching the lives of our service users and those of the wider community.