Almost twenty years ago, a group from PCC stood in a field in Kenya with Sammy Nawali to identify the needs in the area. The needs of the street children, the needs for education, needs for an orphanage and needs for food were clear and so they all put their heads together and raised money for this field. It is a great place on the outskirts of Nakuru town and is officially named Pipe Line as this is the area where petrol comes into Kenya and is then shipped by tankers all over East Africa.
Sammy would like to change the name of the area to Parkside as this excellent project backs onto the Nakuru National Park. All precautions including two sets of high fences have been established to protect visitors from lions and other animals, and so if you do visit, make sure you are taken into the park – it will be a great day sightseeing!
Since then, credit goes to those who sponsor the children, contribute to the infrastructures, visit and promote the work.
Initially, an orphanage was created on site to care for the children and take them off the streets or out of other dangerous situations. That was followed quickly by a primary school, then a high school, and now the building is making good progress for the college.
From that original group standing in a lonely, large field, the work has continued to grow, and we now have sponsors for the children from the UK, Norway, Germany (via the Timothy Project), Poland, the USA, and Canada. Sammy and the team are continually striving to make the work self-sustainable as detailed in the update report below. We continue to need your help and input; don’t stop giving, will you.
The following statistics are up to date to reflect October 2021. From our own on-site home, we have in our education program:
- 22 at the college level
- 64 at high school level
- 96 at the primary school level
Outstanding progress has happened, especially in seeing a good number of children integrated back into society. We have successfully placed more than 20 children into settled positions with their family members and the reunion has been amazing.
We have a population of 220 students at the school. Outstanding progress indeed, and we will be growing this number from April 2022 as we have all the necessary infrastructure towards this end.
We have made remarkable progress at the high school project despite a few challenges here and there.
We now have 180 students which is a steady increase. The positive side is that we now attract students from all parts of the country, of which the majority are paying a fair fee to help subsidise the teaching staff’s wages.
We were expecting to have an additional 100 students at the high school who were to be government-sponsored, but this did not happen as the National government program was pushed forward to April next year.
They will, of course, be the primary sponsor for these children. We have invested a lot of money in this program. Phoenix Community Care advanced extra funds from the Phoenix Community Care Charity (funds advanced before money raised).
All said and done. We now have three extra newly built classrooms ready for the program to kick off in April 2022, the beginning of the new school year and so the pressure is off for that development. When it happens, it will be a game changer in this work.
The work continues in the orphanage, primary school, high school, feeding projects, and community sponsorship, as well as the outreach to the street children and rehabilitation work.
This continues to be the backbone of our work. We had stopped for a while due to Covid-19. Thankfully, we are back on track, and we see a good number of children attending.
We have had to close down the Bakery and Water bottling plants due to the Introduction of Taxes/Excess Duty charged on us that would affect the funding we receive from donors. We will have to rebrand the project by doing it away from the orphanage. We have since pulled working Capital together and purchased two plots, one near the high school and the other near the shopping centre. We will reinstate the water project in the one by the high school. We are building a water tower and by the Grace of God, we are looking into drilling the well by the end of the year. We already have a donor working on funding for that.
The next will be the bakery which we will reinstate by the middle of next year. We already have all the necessary machinery and therefore this won’t need a lot of effort.
The Coronavirus Pandemic has been a massive game-changer in the way we have had to do so many things.
In line with our social enterprise development, we have started a small hardware store that will soon be a game changer as there are many potentials. It is still in the making.
We are changing the name to Poultry Farm as we have introduced turkey, geese, and rabbits. We see a tremendous increase in population.
We have plans to grow and improve the local mixed breed; this is our target. We have made the cages and bought a great deal of equipment.
We continue to lease farmland and grow crops to help subsides our food needs. This year the crop has not been good, but it is OK. We have had challenges with rains falling earlier before the harvest time hence destroying much of the harvest. It is the main reason people are experiencing famine in some parts of the country.
We also have several cows that are giving us enough milk.
The volunteers’ program is now open again, and we are currently hosting three people from Germany, two staying for six months and one for eleven months; this is looking great. We have a facility that’s open to hosting them and looking great at the moment. The facility has eight bedrooms available for guests.