These are great questions that are being asked by many of us in social care at the moment – so what exactly are they all about? This March, a care review has been launched to have a look into children’s social care, the way it is being run and the way it can be changed.

Frontline founder and member of the Children’s Commissioner’s Advisory Board, Josh MacAlister, will be leading this review and has stated his aims to take a deeper look into how the system is currently working with the intention of developing how it can be changed to improve the lives of our children and young people as quickly as possible, particularly during this difficult time.
Why do I need to know about them?
As part of the review, MacAlister is forming an Expert by Experience group consisting of those with experience of the system, families, children and young people, to help advise him of how things can be improved and this is where we come in. While there are many understandable reservations about the potential success of the upcoming review, we’re optimistic that a positive outcome can still be achieved providing we who have experience, expertise or both get involved and help to impact the conversation.
Now this is by no means an easy process and there are no real guarantees of what will happen, however, there is no one better to have on the panel than those of us who have direct and personal experiences working and living in the care system, who have given ourselves to hearing and supporting the needs and voices of the children and families in our care over the years. This panel could be a good opportunity to ensure the voices of those who need to be heard most can be.
So how do I get involved?
Great question! You’d need to complete a short online application form to register your interest by 5pm on Friday 5th February 2021 and include your details and why you are suitable for joining the Experts by Experience Group.
More information and the application can be found on the website below: